Intermetatarsal articulations

Intermetatarsal articulations
Ligaments of the sole of the foot, with the tendons of the Peronæus longus, Tibialis posterior and Tibialis anterior muscles. (Plantar intermetatar. lig. labeled at upper left.)
The ligaments of the foot from the lateral aspect. (Dorsal intermet. labeled at lower right.)
Latin articulationes intermetatarsales
Gray's subject #98 358

Intermetatarsal Articulations - The base of the first metatarsal is not connected with that of the second by any ligaments; in this respect the great toe resembles the thumb.

The bases of the other four metatarsals are connected by the dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments.

Synovial Membranes

The synovial membranes between the second and third, and the third and fourth metatarsal bones are part of the great tarsal synovial membrane; that between the fourth and fifth is a prolongation of the synovial membrane of the cuboideometatarsal joint.


The movement permitted between the tarsal ends of the metatarsal bones is limited to a slight gliding of the articular surfaces upon one another.

See also

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.